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* vmInt.h --
* Machine independent virtual memory data structures and procedure
* headers used internally by the virtual memory module.
* Copyright (C) 1985 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/vm/RCS/vmInt.h,v 9.12 91/04/08 13:02:10 shirriff Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _VMINT
#define _VMINT
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <vmMach.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <kernel/vmMach.h>
#include <kernel/fs.h>
#include <kernel/sync.h>
#include <kernel/proc.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <list.h>
* The kernel's virtual address space is divided up in the following way:
* -------------------------------------- mach_KernStart
* | |
* | Machine dependent stuff |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- mach_StackBottom
* | |
* | Stack for the main process which |
* | is mach_KernStackSize bytes long. |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- mach_CodeStart
* | |
* | Kernel code + data. Current end |
* | is vmMemEnd which is incremented |
* | each time Vm_RawAlloc is called. |
* | The absolute end is |
* | mach_CodeStart + vmKernMemSize. |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- mach_CodeStart + vmKernMemSize
* | |
* | Kernel stacks. There are |
* | vmMaxProcesses worth of stacks. |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- vmStackEndAddr and vmMapBaseAddr
* | |
* | Place to map pages into the |
* | kernel's VAS. There are at most |
* | vmNumMappedPages mapped at once. |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- vmMapEndAddr
* | |
* | Machine dependent part of VAS |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- vmBlockCacheBaseAddr
* | |
* | File system block cache pages. |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- vmBlockCacheEndAddr and mach_KernEnd
* A users virtual address space is divided into three segments:
* code, heap and stack. The code is in the lowest part of the
* VAS and is followed by the heap segment which grows towards the stack.
* The stack is at the top of the virtual address and grows towards the
* heap. The two fields offset and numPages in each segment table entry
* define the bounds of a segment. offset is the virtual page number that
* maps to page table entry zero. Thus the index into the page table for any
* page is the page number minus the offset. The offset for the code and
* heap segment is fixed and the offset for the stack segment will change
* as the page table grows. numPages is the number of pages that can be
* accessed for a segment. Thus for code and heap segments, offset is the
* lowest accessible page and (numPages + offset - 1) is the highest
* accessible page. For a stack segment the highest accessible page is fixed
* at mach_LastUserStackPage and the lowest accessible page is
* (mach_LastUserStackPage - numPages + 1).
* The heap and stack grow in chunks that contain a multiple of
* vmPageTableInc pages. Thus the page table may contain more page table
* entries then there are valid pages for a segment. Two heap and stack
* segments overlap if the page tables overlap.
* -------------------------------------- codeSeg.offset * vm_PageSize
* | |
* | Code for the process. There are |
* | codeSeg.numPages worth of pages |
* | in the segment. |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- heapSeg.offset * vm_PageSize
* | |
* | Heap for the process. There are |
* | heapSeg.numPages worth of virtual |
* | pages in the segment. However, The|
* | actual end corresponds to the size |<- Last addr in heap segment =
* | of the page table. | (heapSeg.offset + heapSeg.numPages)
* | | * vm_PageSize
* | |
* -------------------------------------- (heapSeg.offset + heapSeg.ptSize) *
* | vm_PageSize
* V
* A
* |
* -------------------------------------- stackSeg.offset * vm_PageSize
* | |
* | Stack for the process. There are |
* | stackSeg.numPages worth of virtual |<- First addr in stack segment =
* | pages for the segment. However, | (mach_LastUserStackPage -
* | like the heap segment the actual | stackSeg.numPages + 1) *
* | size corresponds to the size of the| vm_PageSize
* | page table. |
* | |
* -------------------------------------- mach_MaxUserStackAddr
* There are four types of synchronization in virtual memory:
* 1) The monitor lock.
* 2) Per virtual page lock.
* 3) Per page table entry lock.
* 4) Reader and writer locks on a page table.
* 5) Copy-on-write lock.
* The monitor lock is used when updating and accessing internal virtual
* memory structures such as the core map and the segment table. It is
* also used to synchronize access to page table entries as will be explained
* below.
* Each page managed by VM has a lock count on the page. As long as the lock
* count is greater than zero the page will not be stolen from its owner.
* This is used when a; page needs to be wired down in memory.
* Each page table entry has a page-fault-in-progress bit which is set whenever
* a page is being faulted in. Whenever this bit is set all other page faults
* will wait until the fault completes.
* The page tables have two levels of locking. First there is a count of
* the number of users of a page table. There can be multiple users of
* the page table at once. When the user count is greater than zero,
* the page tables are guaranteed not to be expanded. Thus while the count
* is greater than zero a pointer to the page table is guaranteed to be
* good; that is, noone is going to move the page table. The second level
* of locking is an exclusive lock. When this lock is grabbed there can
* only be one user of the page table. This lock cannot be grabbed as long
* as the user count is greater than zero. Once this lock is grabbed the
* page tables can be expanded, moved around or whatever. The first lock
* is used when handling page faults or forking segments - operations that
* require access to the page table outside of the monitor lock. The
* second level lock is used when adding or deleting virtual addresses
* from a segment - operations that require the page table to be reallocated
* and copied, some of which must be done outside of the monitor lock.
* The page table locking is only used for heap segments. Code segments don't
* need to do the locking because they never expand. Stack segments don't
* need it because they can't be shared so the calling process doesn't have to
* worry about someone else mucking with its page tables.
* Actual updating of page table entries must be done inside of the monitor.
* This is because the page allocation code may decide at any time to steal
* a page from a segment and it does not pay attention to either of the two
* levels of locking for page tables. Thus although most parts of a page
* table entry can be changed at non-monitor level, the resident bit must
* be examined inside of the monitor. Also copying and expanding of page
* tables must also be done inside of the monitor.
* The last form of synchronization is for copy-on-write. See the file
* vmCOW.c for details.
* Value returned for a page frame when none are available.
#define VM_NO_MEM_VAL 0x7fffffff
extern int vmFirstFreePage; /* The first page frame that is not
* owned by the kernel. */
extern Boolean vmNoBootAlloc; /* TRUE implies can no longer use
* Vm_BootAlloc. */
extern Fs_Stream *vmSwapStreamPtr; /* Swap directory stream. */
extern int vmPageShift; /* Log base 2 of vm_PageSize. */
extern int vmPageTableInc; /* The size in which page tables can
* grow. */
extern int vmKernMemSize; /* Amount of code + data available for
* the kernel. */
extern int vmMaxProcesses; /* The maximum number of processes that
* are supported by virtual memory. */
extern int vmNumMappedPages; /* The maximum number of pages that
* can be mapped in by the kernel at
* one time. */
extern Address vmStackBaseAddr; /* Base of where kernel stacks are. */
extern Address vmStackEndAddr; /* End of where kernel stacks are. */
extern Address vmMapBaseAddr; /* Base of where to map pages. */
extern Address vmMapEndAddr; /* End of where to map pages. */
extern int vmMapBasePage; /* First page to use for mapping. */
extern int vmMapEndPage; /* Last page to use for mapping. */
extern Address vmBlockCacheBaseAddr; /* Base of the file system cache. */
extern Address vmBlockCacheEndAddr; /* End of the file system cache. */
extern int vmMaxMachSegs; /* Maximum number of machine segments
* that the hardware will allow. */
extern Boolean vmFreeWhenClean; /* TRUE if pages should be freed after
* they have been cleaned. */
extern Boolean vmAlwaysRefuse; /* TRUE if VM should always refuse the
* file systems requests for memory. */
extern Boolean vmAlwaysSayYes; /* TRUE if VM should always satisfy
* file system requests for memory. */
extern int vmMaxDirtyPages; /* Maximum number of dirty pages
* before waiting for a page to be
* cleaned. */
extern int vmPagesToCheck; /* Number of pages to check each time
* that the clock is run. */
extern unsigned int vmClockSleep; /* Number of seconds to sleep between
* iterations of the clock. */
extern int vmMaxPageOutProcs; /* Maximum number of page out procs
* at any given time. */
extern Boolean vmCORReadOnly; /* After a cor fault the page is marked
* as read only so that it can be
* determined if it gets modified. */
extern Boolean vmPrefetch; /* Whether to do prefetch or not. */
extern Boolean vmUseFSReadAhead;/* Should have FS do read ahead on
* object files. */
* Variables to control negotiations between the file system and the virtual
* memory system. Each time that FS asks for a page its reference time is
* penalized depending on how many pages that it has allocated to it. The
* penalty is enforced by subtracting vmCurPenalty seconds from its access time
* or adding vmCurPenalty to the VM access time. This is done in the
* following way. Let vmPagesPerGroup = total-available-pages /
* vmNumPageGroups, vmCurPenalty = 0 and vmBoundary = vmPagesPerGroup.
* Whenever the number of pages allocated to FS exceeds vmBoundary, vmBoundary
* is incremented by vmPagesPerGroup and vmCurPenalty is incremented by
* vmFSPenalty. Whenever the number of pages allocated to FS goes under
* vmBoundary, vmBoundary is decremented by vmPagesPerGroup and vmCurPenalty is
* decremented by vmFSPenalty.
extern int vmFSPenalty; /* Number of seconds FS is penalized when it
* asks for page. */
extern int vmNumPageGroups;/* The number of groups to divide memory up
* into. */
extern int vmPagesPerGroup;/* The number of pages in each group. */
extern int vmCurPenalty; /* The number of seconds that FS is currently
* penalized by. */
extern int vmBoundary; /* The current number of pages that must be
* exceeded or gone under before changing the
* penalty. */
* Variables to control use of modify and reference bits.
extern Boolean vmWriteablePageout; /* Page out all pages that are
* writeable before recycling them
* whether they have been modified
* or not. */
extern Boolean vmWriteableRefPageout; /* Page out all pages that have been
* referenced and are writeable
* before recycling them whether they
* have been modified or not. */
* Flags for VmPageAllocate and VmPageAllocateInt:
* VM_CAN_BLOCK Can block if no clean memory is available.
* VM_ABORT_WHEN_DIRTY Abrot even if VM_CAN_BLOCK is set if have exceeded
* the maximum number of dirty pages on the dirty list.
#define VM_CAN_BLOCK 0x1
* Segment Table Structure
* There is one segment table for the entire system that contains
* one entry for each segment. Associated with each segment table entry
* is a reference count of processes that are using the segment. If
* the reference count is non-zero then the segment is actively being used.
* If the reference count is zero then the segment table entry is either in the
* inactive segment list or the free segment list. The inactive segment list
* is a list of segment table entries that are not currently in use by
* any process but contain code segments that can be reused if a new process
* needs the code segment. The free segment list is a list of segment
* table entries that are not being used by any process and do not contain code
* segments that could be used by future processes.
* All processes that are sharing segments are linked together. This is
* done by having each segment table entry contain a pointer to a list of
* pointers to proc table entries.
* See vmSeg.c for the actual use of the segment table and the free and
* inactive lists.
* An element of a linked list of processes sharing a segment. Each
* element of the linked list points to the proc table entry of the process
* that is sharing the segment.
typedef struct {
List_Links links;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
} VmProcLink;
* Memory space that has to be allocated for each segment.
typedef struct {
Boolean spaceToFree; /* TRUE if this structure contains
space that has to be deallocated.*/
Vm_PTE *ptPtr; /* Pointer to page table */
int ptSize; /* Size of page table. */
VmProcLink *procLinkPtr; /* Pointer to proc list element. */
} VmSpace;
* VmSegmentDeleteInt returns different status values depending on the
* reference count and segment type. These status values indicate what
* should be done with the segment after the procedure returns.
* VM_DELETE_SEG - The segment should be deleted.
* VM_CLOSE_OBJ_FILE - Don't delete the segment, but close the file
* containing the code for the segment.
* VM_DELETE_NOTHING - Don't do anything.
typedef enum {
} VmDeleteStatus;
* System segment number.
* Segment table flags:
* VM_SEG_FREE The segment is currently on the free list.
* VM_SEG_INACTIVE The segment is currently on the inactive
* list.
* VM_SWAP_FILE_OPENED A swap file has been opened for this segment.
* VM_SWAP_FILE_LOCKED The swap file for this segment is being
* opened or written to.
* VM_SEG_DEAD This segment is in the process of being
* deleted.
* VM_PT_EXCL_ACC Someone has grabbed exclusive access to the
* the page tables.
* VM_DEBUGGED_SEG This is a special code segment that is being
* written by the debugger.
* VM_SEG_CREATE_TRACED The segment creation has been traced already.
* VM_SEG_CANT_COW This segment cannot be forked copy-on-write.
* VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS This segment is being actively copied at
* fork time.
* VM_SEG_IO_ERROR An I/O error has occurred while paging to
* or from this segment.
#define VM_SEG_FREE 0x001
#define VM_SEG_INACTIVE 0x002
#define VM_SWAP_FILE_OPENED 0x004
#define VM_SWAP_FILE_LOCKED 0x008
#define VM_SEG_DEAD 0x010
#define VM_PT_EXCL_ACC 0x020
#define VM_DEBUGGED_SEG 0x040
#define VM_SEG_CREATE_TRACED 0x080
#define VM_SEG_CANT_COW 0x100
#define VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS 0x200
#define VM_SEG_IO_ERROR 0x400
* Core map structure.
* The core map contains one entry for each page in physical memory.
* There are four lists that run through the core map: the allocate list,
* the dirty list, the free list and the reserve list. All pages that aren't
* be used by any segment are on the free list. All pages that are being
* used by users processes are on the allocate list or the dirty list.
* The allocate list is used to keep track of which pages are the best
* candidates to use when a new page is needed. All pages that are not
* attached to any segment are at the front of the allocate list and the
* rest of the pages on the allocate list are kept in LRU order. The dirty
* list is a list of pages that are being written to disk. The reserve
* list is a list of pages that are kept in case the kernel needs memory
* and no clean pages are available.
* See vmPage.c for the actual use of the core map and the lists.
* allocate lists.
typedef struct VmCore {
List_Links links; /* Links for allocate, free, dirty and reserver
* lists */
Vm_VirtAddr virtPage; /* The virtual page information for this page */
int wireCount; /* The number of times that the page has bee
* wired down by users. */
int lockCount; /* The number of times that this page has been
locked down (i.e. made unpageable). */
int flags; /* Flags that indicate the state of the page
as defined below. */
int lastRef; /* Time in seconds that pages reference bit
* last cleared by clock. */
} VmCore;
* The following defines the state of the page:
* VM_FREE_PAGE The page is not attached to any segment.
* VM_DIRTY_PAGE The page is on the dirty list.
* VM_SEG_PAGEOUT_WAIT A segment is waiting for this page to be
* cleaned.
* VM_PAGE_BEING_CLEANED The page is actually being cleaned.
* VM_DONT_FREE_UNTIL_CLEAN This page cannot be freed until it has
* been written out.
#define VM_FREE_PAGE 0x01
#define VM_DIRTY_PAGE 0x02
#define VM_SEG_PAGEOUT_WAIT 0x04
* Copy-on-write info struct.
typedef struct VmCOWInfo {
List_Links cowList;
int numSegs;
Sync_Condition condition;
Boolean copyInProgress;
} VmCOWInfo;
* Shared memory.
extern int vmShmDebug;
* Debugging printf.
#ifdef lint
#define dprintf printf
#define dprintf if (vmShmDebug & 2) printf
* Macros to get a pointer to a page table entry.
#ifdef CLEAN2
#define VmGetPTEPtr(segPtr, page) \
(&((segPtr)->ptPtr[(page) - (segPtr)->offset]))
#else /* CLEAN */
#define VmGetPTEPtr(segPtr, page) \
(((((page) - (segPtr)->offset) > (segPtr)->ptSize)) ? \
panic("Page number outside bounds of page table\n"), (Vm_PTE *) NIL : \
(&((segPtr)->ptPtr[(page) - (segPtr)->offset])))
#endif /* CLEAN */
#ifdef CLEAN
#define VmGetAddrPTEPtr(virtAddrPtr, page) \
(&((virtAddrPtr)->segPtr->ptPtr[(page) - segOffset(virtAddrPtr)]))
#else /* CLEAN */
#define VmGetAddrPTEPtr(virtAddrPtr, page) \
(((((page) - segOffset(virtAddrPtr)) < 0) || \
(((page) - segOffset(virtAddrPtr)) > (virtAddrPtr)->segPtr->ptSize) ) ? \
panic("Page number outside bounds of page table\n"), (Vm_PTE *) NIL : \
(&((virtAddrPtr)->segPtr->ptPtr[(page) - segOffset(virtAddrPtr)])))
#endif /* CLEAN */
* Macro to increment a page table pointer.
#define VmIncPTEPtr(ptePtr, val) ((ptePtr) += val)
* Macro to get a virtAddr's offset in the page table.
#define segOffset(virtAddrPtr) (( (virtAddrPtr)->sharedPtr== \
(Vm_SegProcList *)NIL) ? (virtAddrPtr)->segPtr->offset :\
#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
* Initialization routines.
extern void VmSegTableAlloc _ARGS_((void));
extern void VmSegTableInit _ARGS_((void));
extern void VmStackInit _ARGS_((void));
extern void VmCoreMapAlloc _ARGS_((void));
extern void VmCoreMapInit _ARGS_((void));
* Page allocation routines.
extern unsigned int VmPageAllocate _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
int flags));
extern unsigned int VmPageAllocateInt _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
int flags));
extern unsigned int VmGetReservePage _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr));
* Routine to free pags.
extern void VmPageFree _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
extern void VmPageFreeInt _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
* Routines to put pages on lists.
extern void VmPutOnFreeSegList _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern void VmPutOnFreePageList _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
* Routines to lock pages.
extern void VmLockPageInt _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
extern void VmUnlockPage _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
extern void VmUnlockPageInt _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
* Routine to see if a page is pinned down.
extern Boolean VmPagePinned _ARGS_((Vm_PTE *ptePtr));
* Routine to handle page faults.
extern void VmVirtAddrParse _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Address virtAddr, register Vm_VirtAddr *transVirtAddrPtr));
extern Boolean VmCheckBounds _ARGS_((register Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr));
extern void VmZeroPage _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
extern void VmKillSharers _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern void VmSwapFileRemove _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *swapStreamPtr,
char *swapFileName));
extern ReturnStatus VmPageFlush _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
int length, Boolean toDisk, Boolean wantRes));
extern int VmCountDirtyPages _ARGS_((void));
* Segment handling routines.
extern ReturnStatus VmAddToSeg _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr,
int firstPage, int lastPage));
extern VmDeleteStatus VmSegmentDeleteInt _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr,
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, VmProcLink **procLinkPtrPtr,
Fs_Stream **objStreamPtrPtr, Boolean migFlag));
extern void VmDecPTUserCount _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern Vm_Segment *VmGetSegPtr _ARGS_((int segNum));
extern void VmFlushSegment _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr, int lastPage));
extern Vm_SegProcList *VmFindSharedSegment _ARGS_((List_Links *sharedSegs,
Address virtAddr));
extern Boolean VmCheckSharedSegment _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern void VmPrintSharedSegs _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
* Routines to validate and invalidate pages.
extern void VmPageValidate _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr));
extern void VmPageValidateInt _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
register Vm_PTE *ptePtr));
extern void VmPageInvalidate _ARGS_((register Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr));
extern void VmPageInvalidateInt _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
register Vm_PTE *ptePtr));
extern void VmValidatePagesInt _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr, int firstPage,
int lastPage, Boolean zeroFill, Boolean clobber));
* VM list routines. Like normal list routines but do more sanity checks.
extern void VmListMove _ARGS_((register List_Links *itemPtr,
register List_Links *destPtr));
extern void VmListRemove _ARGS_((register List_Links *itemPtr));
extern void VmListInsert _ARGS_((register List_Links *itemPtr,
register List_Links *destPtr));
* Routines for copy-on-write and copy-on-reference.
extern Boolean VmSegCanCOW _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern void VmSegCantCOW _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern void VmSegCOWDone _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr, Boolean cantCOW));
extern void VmSegFork _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr, Vm_Segment *destSegPtr));
extern void VmCOWDeleteFromSeg _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr,
register int firstPage, register int lastPage));
extern ReturnStatus VmCOR _ARGS_((register Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr));
extern void VmCOW _ARGS_((register Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr));
extern void VmPageSwitch _ARGS_((unsigned int pageNum, Vm_Segment *newSegPtr));
extern ReturnStatus VmCOWCopySeg _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
* Procedures for remote page access.
extern ReturnStatus VmCopySwapSpace _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr,
register Vm_Segment *destSegPtr));
extern ReturnStatus VmPageServerRead _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
unsigned int pageFrame));
extern ReturnStatus VmPageServerWrite _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
unsigned int pageFrame, Boolean toDisk));
extern ReturnStatus VmFileServerRead _ARGS_((Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
unsigned int pageFrame));
extern void VmMakeSwapName _ARGS_((int segNum, char *fileName));
extern ReturnStatus VmOpenSwapFile _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern ReturnStatus VmCopySwapPage _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr,
int virtPage, register Vm_Segment *destSegPtr));
extern void VmSwapFileLock _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern void VmSwapFileUnlock _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
* Procedures for process migration.
extern void VmPutOnDirtyList _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
* Procedures for mapping.
extern Address VmMapPage _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
extern void VmUnmapPage _ARGS_((Address mappedAddr));
extern void VmRemapPage _ARGS_((Address addr, unsigned int pfNum));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_MmapInt _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length, int prot,
int share, int streamID, int fileAddr, Address *mappedAddr));
* Prefetch routine.
extern void VmPrefetch _ARGS_((register Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
register Vm_PTE *ptePtr));
* Vm tracing.
extern void VmTraceSegStart _ARGS_((void));
extern void VmCheckListIntegrity _ARGS_((List_Links *listHdr));
#endif _VMINT